STORM Marketing Survey

All information is for confidential use by MILLENNIAL ENTERTAINMENT only.


MILLENNIAL ENTERTAINMENT wants to know what you think about the movie STORM we are currently producing. Please take a moment to fill out this brief questionnaire. By doing so you're not only making an important contribution to the production, you have the chance to become an extra in the film. Take a moment also to tell us about yourself and what you want to know.

Personal Information

E-Mail Address:

Sex: Female Male

Age Group: 5-12 13-17 18-24 25-34 35-50 51-64 >65

Specify (optional):

Your Opinion

After looking over the idea for the movie, and the visual concepts, tell us:

What is your impression of the idea. Do you like it:

A Lot Very Much So So Very Little Not At All No Opinion

What are the chances you would see this movie:

Absolutely Very Likely Likely Not Very Likely Absolutely Not No Opinion

Additional Comments (optional):

Your Lifestyle

Do you drink wine:

Religiously Daily Weekly Occasionally Never No Opinion

What kind of wine do you drink?

Imported Into California California Boutique California Large Producer Inexpensive None No Opinion

Do you see wine drinking as:

A Life Style A Vocation Essential Beverage Drinking Something to Avoid No Opinion

Do you like stories about the Apocalypse and the End of the World?
Do you like stories about Impossible Romance?
Do you like stories about wine making and drinking?
Do you like products related to wine making and drinking?
Do you like stories about individuals standing up against overwhelming odds?
Do you feel there is some truth to the idea that corporate entities are exerting more influence in everyday life?
Do you feel the story of two completely different people who have to battle seemingly insurmountable forces including their families to come together interests you?
Do you like stories based on the works of Jane Austen? (do not select if you have never seen anything based on her works or read any of her books)
Are you interested in the history of wine making?
Are you interested in the history of California?


I would be interested in participating in the production of STORM
I would be interested in a cooperative venture in marketing STORM

For Wine Makers Only

I would be interested in providing bottled wine with a STORM label

If you answered yes to any of the participation questions above please specify your interest in the comments field below. Or tell us about yourself and what you want to know. Or provide contact information via social media, including text, e-mail or snail mail address, so that we may contact you. Or contact us.

Your comments:

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